December 10, 2024 CUB Blog: Consumers for a Better Grid: 2024 Year In Review
Well, we’ve made it to the end of 2024. As we take a breath to gather ourselves for the coming year, it’s good to reflect on all we’ve accomplished in the past year and chart a course for all that remains to be done. CUB, through its Consumers for a Better Grid campaign, has been working diligently on behalf of Illinois consumers at the power-grid operator PJM Interconnection and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). A few highlights from the past year …
Well, we’ve made it to the end of 2024. As we take a breath to gather ourselves for the coming year, it’s good to reflect on all we’ve accomplished in the past year and chart a course for all that remains to be done. CUB, through its Consumers for a Better Grid campaign, has been working diligently on behalf of Illinois consumers at the power-grid operator PJM Interconnection and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). A few highlights from the past year …
December 19, 2024 Capitol News Illinois: Worried about grid reliability, state officials seek to boost renewables, energy storage
“The market can’t work if the interconnection queue doesn’t work and it hasn’t for a while,” Summers said of PJM, which serves northern Illinois and much of the eastern United States. “That’s something that just fundamentally needs to be fixed.”
“The market can’t work if the interconnection queue doesn’t work and it hasn’t for a while,” Summers said of PJM, which serves northern Illinois and much of the eastern United States. “That’s something that just fundamentally needs to be fixed.”
December 10, 2024 CUB Statement: Consumer Victory: FERC Rejects PJM’s Anti-Consumer Transmission Proposal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has rejected anti-consumer proposals by PJM Interconnection and a group of transmission owners that would have given transmission owners more control over power grid planning.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has rejected anti-consumer proposals by PJM Interconnection and a group of transmission owners that would have given transmission owners more control over power grid planning.
November 19, 2024 Utility Dive: Ratepayer advocates press FERC for PJM capacity market changes, citing ‘crushing’ prices
Six ratepayer advocates on Monday filed a complaint at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeking changes to the PJM Interconnection’s capacity market design, which they said is causing “crushing” capacity prices.
Six ratepayer advocates on Monday filed a complaint at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeking changes to the PJM Interconnection’s capacity market design, which they said is causing “crushing” capacity prices.
November 17, 2024 Chicago Tribune: Sarah Moskowitz: ComEd’s coming spike in energy prices is an urgent call to us to move forward
Tribune readers got an unpleasant surprise recently: ComEd’s electric price is expected to spike next summer.
Unfortunately, this is no surprise to the Citizens Utility Board. We’re all too familiar with electric customers paying more because of a shadowy corporate entity called PJM Interconnection and the little-known electricity “capacity auction” it runs.
Tribune readers got an unpleasant surprise recently: ComEd’s electric price is expected to spike next summer.
Unfortunately, this is no surprise to the Citizens Utility Board. We’re all too familiar with electric customers paying more because of a shadowy corporate entity called PJM Interconnection and the little-known electricity “capacity auction” it runs.