
Elizabeth Brandon Elizabeth Brandon

Oct. 24, 2022 Utility Dive: Opinion—Clean energy expertise for the PJM board should be the easiest vote members ever cast

When some 95% of the energy projects waiting to connect to the PJM grid are solar, wind, hybrid or battery storage, how could the grid’s board not include someone with expertise in these sources?

When some 95% of the energy projects waiting to connect to the PJM grid are solar, wind, hybrid or battery storage, how could the grid’s board not include someone with expertise in these sources? 

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Elizabeth Brandon Elizabeth Brandon

July 22, 2022 CUB explainer: What are capacity markets?

Because it’s such a key part of your bill, CUB produced this explainer to give you more information about capacity costs and how the market sets those prices.

As we hold community events across the state of Illinois, people are often surprised to hear that our electric bills cover not only the power we use but the power we could use. That’s capacity. 

And the cost of capacity–for most customers it’s hidden in the supply charge we pay–has grown over the years to about 21 percent of the supply side of our bills, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission. 

Because it’s such a key part of your bill, CUB produced this explainer to give you more information about capacity costs and how the market sets those prices. 

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Elizabeth Brandon Elizabeth Brandon

July 19, 2022 CUB Blog: CUB fights for consumers before the nation’s largest power grid operator

Knowing that regional and national energy issues impact how clean our energy is and how much we pay for it, CUB launched a project called Consumers for a Better Grid (formerly Clear RTO), to advocate for more consumer-friendly policies for all electric customers served by PJM, including northern Illinois.

For years CUB has been advocating for consumers at the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and at the State Capitol, and now it’s taking the fight for clean and affordable energy to the nation’s largest power grid operator.

As a regional transmission organization (RTO), PJM Interconnection coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity across Northern Illinois and 12 other states–and it has a major impact on the electricity prices that 65 million customers pay. 

Knowing that regional and national energy issues impact how clean our energy is and how much we pay for it, CUB launched a project called Consumers for a Better Grid (formerly Clear RTO), to advocate for more consumer-friendly policies for all electric customers served by PJM, including northern Illinois.

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